Impact4Results: Always Learn

Find things that interest you and then learn about them. Not just about your job, but any topic. Oftentimes, learning about something that doesn’t relate to your job helps you to grow and think differently. It is easy to get bogged down with life, but actively...

Impact4Results: What are You Working On?

Try to keep a short progress list of areas where you want to develop yourself. We are all a work in progress until the day we die. Identify a few key skills to develop, and then find ways develop those skills.  If you want to do better speaking in front of groups,...

Impact4Results: Dare to Dream

Most people think we are limited by others…or by our circumstances. That is almost never the case. We are usually limited by our unwillingness to dream, to think big, to lay claim to the things that we want to accomplish. Dream and don’t limit yourself by the...

Impact4Results: Tell a Story

It’s proven that people are more likely to remember what you tell them if you use a story. When delivering an important message to your team, try word pictures, metaphors, and analogies. Story-telling is a developed skill to practice throughout your...