Hello and welcome to the first installment of my “Questions of Leadership” blog.
Thank you for stopping by to visit. It is my hope that these musings will bend your mind. They should challenge your thinking around the questions you ask, how you ask questions, how you develop others and how you develop yourself. The title of the Blog is a play on words “Questions of Leadership”. Your first reaction might be that the title implies that these are questions you might need to ask the leaders you work with. Yes that is true. More so, it suggests that these are questions we might need to ask ourselves or others as we try to lead from where we are at any given moment.
Stop by often, see if there is a question or topic that engages your mind. Try out some of the questions in your next customer meeting, your next staff meeting, your next one-on-one meeting. You may even try one of the questions when you are puzzling an important topic, issue or opportunity. Most importantly see if you can develop your own questions that help drive results.
Please share your own thoughts, ideas and yes, questions you have tried.
Until next time,