Don’t Give Up!

As a follow up to my blog on SMARTER© goals, let’s explore some ways to keep goal setting alive. We look at goal setting as an annual activity that once complete, gets buried under the pile of the urgent, drowning any aspirations. We are over a month into the New Year...

Get S.M.A.R.T.E.R

Are you one of those people that hates this goal setting time of the year?  Goals can represent something we are not doing, something we should be doing, or even something that currently seems impossible. Even when we set goals, most of us abandon them long before the...

“H2” Break Through

We encounter many barriers in our careers and in life. Convert the barriers into “H2’s” or “How To” statements.  For example, when we don’t have enough people to get the job done the H2 becomes how to get the job done with the people we have.  It will...

Manage the Drama

In life and work there is always drama.  Some people assume the worst and need to stir up negative drama. It is easy to feed into it or get caught up in the negative drama.  Replace negative drama with positive drama and people will follow you.  When you are leading,...

Get Past Your Mistakes

Everyone makes mistakes. NBA basketball players only hit 75% of their free throws. The best PGA golfer averages less than two strokes better than the average of the entire tour. The best NFL quarterbacks only complete about two thirds of their passes. Great athletes...