Interview Your Boss

When applying for a job we are so focused on trying to get the job we do not ask ourselves if we really want to work for this person. One of the most significant factors in job satisfaction is who you work for. That person can teach you, lead you, and advance your...

What Is Your Brand?

Just like Nike, Apple, Google, and UPS, you too have a brand. People see you and have an impression of what you represent and what you can deliver for them.  Manage your brand. Make sure people understand what you stand for and what you are capable of. If someone has...

Garbage In, Garbage Out

There is an old programming axiom that says if you put in garbage data or garbage code, you will get garbage output.   We too are influenced by what we take in and it impacts what we put out. Be careful of what you take in, whether it is what you watch on TV, what you...

Build Your Consortium

In any project, any job, and for that matter in life, we need to surround ourselves with a consortium of people that support us.  Seek out those that can help you, challenge you, and support you. They will support you when you need them and you should support them as...

Manage the Error in Communication

Communication by nature is fraught with error. In conversations there is what we intend to say and then what we actually say. Then there is what the other person heard and what they think they heard. Then there is what they tell everyone else what was said.  Error...