by ImpactAdmin | Aug 10, 2015 | QuickBits
Some people promote themselves; this is sometimes perceived as self-serving and alienates others. BUT People need to know what you do and the value it provides to the company and to customers. Let others, especially your boss, know about the work you are...
by ImpactAdmin | Aug 3, 2015 | QuickBits
Every tree in the forest is built for a unique benefit to all the surrounding growing things, and for all the inhabitants who live there. Some provide shelter. Some provide nutrients. Some provide materials. Ask yourself: What are you uniquely built for? How deep do...
by ImpactAdmin | Jul 23, 2015 | QuickBits
Too many times we think our job is to talk, to share our thoughts, to direct, to cajole. We are better served when we get others talking. We become smarter by hearing what they think, what they see, how they feel and ultimately, we learn things we didn’t know....
by ImpactAdmin | Jul 15, 2015 | QuickBits
People will say politics is a bad thing. Aristotle said that politics is the vehicle we use to negotiate our wants and needs when we went from living as nomads to living in community. Part of your job is to negotiate for those things you think are important and...
by ImpactAdmin | Jul 8, 2015 | QuickBits
At the end of the day, you are paid for one thing: to execute and to get the job done. All the rest is either window dressing or distraction.